Monday, March 9, 2009

Biblical Vegetables. (Genesis)

I won't lie to you, I haven't chopped down a cherry tree. Nor was I looking forward to recording genealogies from Genesis today. However, i noticed something I hadn't noticed before, and it must be read in light of Gen 1-4.

The organization of this genealogy goes like this: When (person 1) lived (age) years, he became the father of (person 2). And after he became the father of (person 2) he lived (age) years and had other sons and daughters. Altogether, (person 1) lived (age) years, and then he died.

The first entry is significant. It begins, once again, with the image of God. Adam was created in the likeness of God. However, Seth was made in the image of Adam, which is the same image of God. This begs the question, as generations procreate, is the image of God more and more distorted like a xerox machine loses quality when copying copies of copies? Probably not.

In the middle entries, notice two aspects: procreation and death. Procreation was God's command for his people. This command becomes a promise a little further down the road (Abraham). The consequence of sin (death) is always mentioned for each person, too.

The other unusual entry is that of Enoch, the man who did not die. In fact, in the midst of this genealogy of people we know little about, God begins reversing the fall. Enoch walked with God (like Adam and Eve), rather than just lived. Enoch went back to the garden (and pre-cain for that matter). The consequence: no death. God takes Enoch away, restoring the us -> God relationship from the Fall

And then the genealogy continues in normal format until Noah, who will also be used to help reverse the consequences of the Fall: toiling. "He named him Noah and said, "He will comfort us in the labor and painful toil of our hands caused by the ground the Lord has cursed". Restoring the us -> earth relationship of the Fall.

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